Monday, June 24, 2013

June 21, 2013 - Humber River (Sunnyside Park to Bloor St.)

Route: Sunnyside Park to Bloor St. along the Humber River
Distance: 8.7km
Time: 1h30m
Canoe: 16'6" Kevlar

Sunnyside to Bloor St. along the Humber River
Our second test paddle of LF7, and a little bit of a warm-up to larger trips planned for the summer.  This was also a chance to see if the patchwork repairs I made to the hull of the canoe worked.  And a success, leaks be gone!  Filled in the most of the cracks and dents with marine epoxy and that seemed to do the trick. 

Getting started...
We started our paddle around Sir Casimir Gzowski Park along Lake Ontario.  Lots of parking, beaches for an easy put-in and a break-wall to make our start out on the water smooth and pleasant.  It was a short paddle over to the Humber River where we crossed under the Gardiner Expressway and The Queensway bridges.  15 minutes up the Humber and the noise from the highways softened, and the scene was reminiscent of cottage country.  And if you had a "cottage" along the Humber, what home it could be:
Cottage backing on to the Humber River
The flow of the Humber is almost non-existent and it was a leisurely paddle up to Bloor Street.  We encountered a couple groups of kayakers, but the biggest population of river enthusiasts were the ducks, geese and swanys.  Here is group hanging out at the King's Mill Park boat launch:
In or decide.
Overall, pretty fun after-work activity and an interesting perspective of the city.

Humber River Yacht Club
Fellow Paddlers

Condo Towers on the Humber River

Funny Fat're not helping at all!

Toronto from Lake Ontario..behind the break wall!

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